Monday, October 31, 2011

Touched Up and Refined

     EA called me to do some art briefs for them. .... No they didn't. But still I can hope.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Fresh and Clean

     Oh man look at those refreshed briefs. The techniques learned in class really helped out and, to me at least, these look way better then how they were before... I can barely look at them anymore. Midterm success here I come.

Monday, October 17, 2011

More Objects

     I really don't know how I keep finding objects to draw.. But! No complaints though. The bathroom was an obvious place of reference for almost all these objects though. Gross.

Color Me Briefly

      I actually loved coloring these briefs. I hope that they turned out ok and though I know that there's tons of work to be done on them, I'm still happy with them nonetheless. The hardest part was figuring out how to make the day scenes look "day" with selecting the first fill color layer. Other then that it was smooth sailing.

Rapid Vizness

      Rapid Viz.... It's very difficult but do able. Masta P says that it's worth it and I guess I just gotta take his word for it. 

     Actually, I can see some usefulness from all this Rapid Viz stuff. Especially since I've had three other teachers teach me a watered down version of it. Can't wait to "learn" more.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'll Be Brief


These are 15 quick sketches of environmental briefs that I created using random adjectives. Just like the icy castle, I quickly sketched down some ideas and then shaded and rendered them. That was the trickiest part because my W3 and W1 felt like running out on me. My W3 at the beginning and W1 luckily towards the end. That's why none of the lighter tones are entirely noticeable but I still like how they came out. There also another ten random objects. I still have no idea how I keep finding objects to sketch but I still do.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Movie Scenes

These movies scenes were tougher then I had originally thought that they would be. However, the assignment was very interesting and unlike any assignment that a teacher has ever given me before.

It also gave me a reason to: 1) Use my Netflix account and 2) Watch two movies that I have been putting off for awhile. I think I'll do a couple of these outside of class just for fun...

So Many Boxes

These boxes taught me that procrastination is a terrible road to travel down.

Just Keep Thinking of Objects

Objects objects objects.

I know there's millions of objects in the world but it sucks to draw them.

Warm Up Those Hands

These are some random in-class assignments that we have done. The cone and cylinder where done to practice perspective drawing and the doodle page was just a random class doodle that was done to "warm up the hand" as Masta P would say.

The Beginning

Hello there.

This is my blog for 2D-Art for Games which is a class that I take at Columbia College Chicago.

I am an inspiring game artist and web developer.

I will be posting my drawings from class as well as some random drawings.

I hope you enjoy...